QR Code scanning box in pharmacy with phone

Stop Sophisticated Counterfeiting Techniques

VerifyMe Authenticity™ combines high security
and customer engagement.

Protect your brand with visible and invisible authentication to ensure consumer safety and improve customer loyalty.

Gain complete supply chain visibility and integrity with embedded codes that provide highly secure traceability capabilities.

Gather business intelligence including location-specific data and situational analysis, real-time awareness and alerts, and purchase pattern analysis.

How VerifyMe Authenticity™ Helps

Counterfeiting impacts revenue, imperils reputation, and threatens consumer safety. VerifyMe offers multiple levels of protection, including tamper-resistant labels, QR codes, and ultra-secure invisible inks and pigments.

As any visible code is susceptible to being removed or destroyed, our highly secure invisible pigments can be integrated into product labels or embedded into the product itself at the point of manufacture, so they are impossible to identify and remove.

Product Authentication QR code scanning

The Technology

woman checking water bottles in factory

By integrating VerifyInk™ or VerifyThread™ into products at the point of manufacture, you create authentication measures that cannot be seen or altered. Our embedded security uses invisible pigments to print variable hidden images or item-level serialization.

scanning groceries in store with phone

VerifyMe Authenticity™ works with HP Indigo and continuous inkjet printing technology, making it easy for you to deploy. To ensure authenticity, your product is scanned throughout the distribution channel. Invisible indicators can be read using a smartphone-compatible optical reader to safeguard the authenticity of your brand.

Solution Components


Printed onto a variety of products enabling brand protection


Embedded, scannable microtechnology for a
range of applications


QR codes and
tamper-evident labels to safeguard products


Serialization to support
traceability and authentication


Woven into apparel such
as uniforms for safety and

Discover how VerifyMe Authenticity™ can be used in a variety of applications to stop counterfeiting.

Start solving your business-critical challenges.